Here's the general rules for the individual forums:
1. No Spam. Violators will receive a warning. Repeat offenders will receive a lengthy ban.
2. No Trolling. Also known as flame-baiting. If caught once, you will receive a warning. Repeat offenders will receive a lengthy ban.
3. No Flaming. First time offenders will be warned. Repeat offenders will receive a lengthy ban.
4. Absolutely NO PORNOGRAPHY. Any posting of porn will automatically receive a perma-ban.
5. No Advertisements, we don't care about what you're selling.
6. Try and stay away from "spammy" threads. The status of these will be left up to a moderator's digression, but repeated offenses with receive a warning. Repeat offenders will receive a ban.
8. No versus threads, these almost always end in flame wars and never resolve.
I'll add more when I think of them, and any problems we run into.
Icyboard Rules:
You are not allowed to upload, link to, post, or in any other way distribute the following content:
Hate, threats, harrassment, violence, racial intolerance, or advocate against any individual, group, or organization
Hacking, exploits, or cracking content
Pornography, hentai, child pornography, adult or mature content
Any content that promotes, or is, illegal activity or infringes on the legal rights of others
Any infringement of copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, or other intellectual property right
Any scripts or codes that interfere or remove our advertisements
1. No Spam. Violators will receive a warning. Repeat offenders will receive a lengthy ban.
2. No Trolling. Also known as flame-baiting. If caught once, you will receive a warning. Repeat offenders will receive a lengthy ban.
3. No Flaming. First time offenders will be warned. Repeat offenders will receive a lengthy ban.
4. Absolutely NO PORNOGRAPHY. Any posting of porn will automatically receive a perma-ban.
5. No Advertisements, we don't care about what you're selling.
6. Try and stay away from "spammy" threads. The status of these will be left up to a moderator's digression, but repeated offenses with receive a warning. Repeat offenders will receive a ban.
8. No versus threads, these almost always end in flame wars and never resolve.
I'll add more when I think of them, and any problems we run into.
Icyboard Rules:
You are not allowed to upload, link to, post, or in any other way distribute the following content:
Hate, threats, harrassment, violence, racial intolerance, or advocate against any individual, group, or organization
Hacking, exploits, or cracking content
Pornography, hentai, child pornography, adult or mature content
Any content that promotes, or is, illegal activity or infringes on the legal rights of others
Any infringement of copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, or other intellectual property right
Any scripts or codes that interfere or remove our advertisements