I've been playing a lot of the Origins version of Final Fantasy II. The unorthodox leveling system has made this a struggle for me to push through.
I started Metroid Prime 3.
I appreciate what they were doing, trying different types of story telling (Prime 1 was all Lore, Prime 2 had the Luminoth Cutscenes, Prime 3 has dialog and other humans/species) but I think I vastly prefer the all alone on a new planet with no information atmosphere of the first Prime more than anything else.
I stopped before returning to the cargo bay. That cutscene where Samus got sucked out of the ship was so silly.
Last thing I was playing was ESO, although it was getting rather boring as of late...
Oh, right. I'm playing Pokemon HeartGold here and there. I'm trying to get through my bug monotype run but not having x4 speed is really hard. Also three of my pokemon are pretty cruddy so I can't just curb stomp my way through, Scizor and Heracross are carrying the team.
Playing Vagrant Story. It's really mazey and I'm not sure if I'm digging it. It's not bad by any means.
Maybe it'll grow on me.
(09-13-2015, 03:20 PM)Crackin355 Wrote: [ -> ]Oh, right. I'm playing Pokemon HeartGold here and there. I'm trying to get through my bug monotype run but not having x4 speed is really hard. Also three of my pokemon are pretty cruddy so I can't just curb stomp my way through, Scizor and Heracross are carrying the team.
Who else do you have? Butterfree and/or Parasect would be good for support.
Butterfree is okay, still dies too quickly. I have to pray for a sleep powder or sacrifice her to land a poison powder. Yanma is garbage for now, Ariados is the worst. Never use Ariados.
Not using Parasect, I used her for LeafGreen and she didnt help much in the long run even though she was pretty okay for most of the mid game but that's just because I only had three bugs at the time so she was getting excess leveling. Not Beedrill tier, not Pinsir tier. The idea is to not go for repeat pokemon imo.
I'm playing Awesomenauts and Citizens of Earth.
My Ariados was a boss. I wrecked shit left and right.
It's the Beedrill of Gen II.
aka its bad, useful as a meat shield while I revive/heal.